What a challenging case on this young lady! She fell and damaged several teeth. To make things worse she was leaving the country in just a few days for a summer internship. We had to decide if we could get an adequate result restoring the teeth as they were or canceling her trip to allow us time to reposition the left central with braces.
We decided to place a temporary veneer on the left central and evaluate the result. When she saw the temporary it was easy for her to decide that she didn’t need to cancel her trip. We ended up having to do a root canal on the left front tooth, then we restored five of the front six teeth with veneers. Can you tell which tooth is her natural tooth?
The after photos were taken when she retuned from her trip. Special thanks go to Chris Hale at Champion Crown and Bridge, my wonderful lab of over 20 years. Nice job guys!
Very similar to another case in this section. This mother of 4 fell getting out of her car in her garage. She has her own business working with people every day. Her smile is very important and needed to look healthy and beautiful once again.
Although her lip is still healing, I think you will agree, we were able to give her everything she wanted. It did require a couple of Root Canals and four beautiful Veneers.
This lady tripped while walking her dog. We placed veneers on her broken front teeth and she says her teeth are prettier now than before.
But you don’t have to have an accident to have beautiful teeth. It’s much easier to just come in and let us show you how we can improve your smile.
Playing Frisbee football isn’t supposed to be a contact sport. But a head-to-head collision resulted in significant damage to this young man’s front teeth.
The coordinated efforts of the emergency Dentist and an Orthodontist saved his teeth. We then did root canals on three of the teeth and after several months of healing we placed veneers on his 6 front teeth to reinforce their strength and improve their function and esthetics.
This is what can happen when you don’t wear a face guard while playing hockey.
The 2 broken teeth were restored with veneers.
This beautiful young lady was the victim of an unfortunate accident. Her mother is a dental assistant and had heard about our work and wanted us to restore her smile.
We restored her front four teeth with empress veneers and her Mom told us she looked better than before the accident. They were ecstatic!